My Engagement Story

In case you missed this excited post, I just recently (aka three days ago) got engaged!! So of course I have to share tons of pictures.

Here's some quick background first...

"Boyfriend" aka Shawn aka FIANCÉ now and I have been dating for almost two years.  How we met is really really lame... don't judge me k??? We met on a facebook dating application. hahaha.  ok...I'm even judging myself right now. But hey, it worked for us so I don't care how corny it is :)  We actually went to the same high school, but never actually knew each other. We went on our first date the week I got home from college for summer after my freshman year of school, and have been going out ever since!

I knew we were going to get engaged at some point. We went and looked at rings together when I was home for a weekend from college about a month ago.  However, I didn't think it was going to happen until May after school was done because Shawn told me the rings I picked out wouldn't be in until the end of April. I was kind of bummed by this because I had been wanting to get engaged for awhile and thought Easter break would be a nice time because I would be at home with him and my family, but will also be going back to school for two more weeks and would see my college friends before going home for the summer.

So...when Shawn told me he wanted to go take pictures of the sunset at Green Lane Park, a pretty park with a lake and look-out we have gone too a lot in the past, I didn't think we would be doing anything besides that!!

He took me out of the car and kissed me. It was cute :)

Then, he told me he loved me, got down on one knee, and ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!!!


I was so surprised!!!! 

Happy kisses :)

Shawn had three of his friends hiding in bushes while he proposed, hence why we were able to get all the pictures!!

I was a little emotional in this picture...haha...I really do love my ring!!

We used the center diamond from one of his grandmother's engagement rings.

Ok ok. Sorry for all the pictures haha. There were 110 of the whole thing so I narrowed down pretty well!! Thank you so much to everyone who already offered me congrats and wedding planning advice!! You guys are the best :)


  1. Fun pictures! What a fun way to commemorate the moment. =D

  2. Congratulations! How beautiful...he did a wonderful proposal...what a man.

  3. my hubby and i connected on facebook too!! no shame in that at all... of course we went to school and church together, but it's all good!!


  4. I think that it is awesome that he had friends waiting to capture all of the first moments and expressions. It is real, not contrived... so much fun:)

  5. okay that is seriously the cutest thing EVER! Love the RING! Love the Pictures! Congrats!


  6. That is so awesome you got all those pics! So cute and you both look so happy!! Congratulations, girl! Can't wait to start reading about wedding planning!

  7. My question was going to be "Who did he get to hide in the bushes?" lol...
    Very very nice--congratulations!

  8. Congratulations!!! He is so sweet, awesome that he got pictures!

  9. Can I just say that I LOVE LOVE that there were super stealthy ninja picture takers there?! lol!!!

  10. I LOVE how you have pictures of it happening--it's the perfect viewpoint and so nice to be able to look back on. Congrats again! I LOVE that style of ring!!

  11. What a great story, congratulations! And your ring is georgous!!!

  12. I love it!! So great that his friends were hiding so y'all could have the great photos!!

    Congrats again!!

    -Many Smiles!

  13. Thanks for the engagement story, I've been curious since you posted that you got engaged. That's so great that his friends were able to take pictures.

    Congrats again and I look forward to wedding blogging ;)

  14. That says a TON of awesome about him that he planned ahead and had friends taking pictures of the moment for you. Congrats!

  15. how cool your man got all those great pics

  16. Congratulations again! The pictures are adorable (: Can't wait for some wedding blogging ;)

  17. Awww. Congrats. I can't believe I missed that post. Dang moving leaving me out of the loop. I can't wait for more engagement pictures.

  18. This is the first I've heard of this - yay! So exciting! I love seeing the pictures, too. I'm so very happy for you both. It it obvious from your blog that your fiance is getting a special, charming girl! Love and hugs! Laurie from Scene of the Grime

  19. That's super-cute! I love that he had friends waiting like paparazzi! And don't worry about the story of how you met - it's everything after that matters... my boyfriend likes to embellish our story and I let him (for his guy friends), but I'm totally mortified that in 10 years, someone might hear it and believe it (it totally makes me sound sketchy, at least from a girl perspective)! Congrats!! : )

  20. So romantic! Congratulations Rebecca!
    I was proposed to while cooking spaghetti...

  21. That's so sweet! Congrats! I love that he used his grandmother's diamond. :)

  22. Congratulations!! You both look so happy and cute together! God bless!

  23. OH My Gosh Girl, I Missed this!! Congratulations 1,000 Times. WOW so very excited for you!!

  24. So sweet! I love that you got all those pics! I can't wait to see all the details!

  25. Congrats! The ring is lovely, and the hubs-to-be is certainly a keeper. Found your blog through Christina. Now following!

  26. Congratulations! The pictures are great! That was so sweet of him to have someone there to take them for y'all. :)

    (I met my husband on we've been married almost 2 years and it is still awkward when people ask how we met! But hey... whatever works!!!)

  27. Whahoo! Congratulations! Hoping you have a wonderful and happy life together.

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