One Year Blog Anniversary!

Today marks the day that my blog turns 1!!

Happy birthday little bloggy blog :)

One year ago from today I posted my very first tutorial for this pink and frilly pillow:

Man reading that post is embarrassing! I have learned a TON over this past year about blogging, that is for sure!!

I remember when I started my blog I thought, "Man, it would really be cool to get 1,000 followers in a year. That would be a great goal....nah....that will never happen"

Well, if you have happened to glace at my little box of followers in the past two days, I just recently hit 1000!!!!!! Right in time for my anniversary and to make my very first blogging goal.

Thank you so much to everyone who has read my blog - I hope you have enjoyed the tutorials and little insights into my little ole life. 

I'm not sure what my "goal" will be fore next year yet, but I do know the general direction I'd like my blog to go in. I want to do a lot more jewelry tutorials since that is what I know best and what you all seem to enjoy most! I also plan to do a lot more home decor/improvement posts after February because.....have I mentioned yet that we put an offer in on a house AND IT WAS ACCEPTED???WHOOO!!! I'll give more details later, but we are set to settle Feb. 22nd - 3 days before the wedding. 


So, things may be a little hectic over here for the next two months as I try to get adjusted to working full time, taking classes on the weekend for my real estate license, AND finish planning all these dang little details for the wedding, but don't worry I'm not going anywhere. Thank you SO much for being my readers. I love ya all :)

PS: You can now get My Girlish Whim posts by email! Find the box to enter you email in my sidebar. 


  1. you made it over 1000!!!! Ahhhh so exciting!!

    And WOAH- your offer was accepted?!?! I HAVE to hear more about this!! SO exciting!!

    Also - how did you get that little email sidebar thingie? I've been wondering how to do that...

  2. Happy Bloggy Birthday! Mine is one tomorrow!

  3. Very cool--Happy Bloggy Birthday! And congratulations on the house offer! Such BIG STUFF! (And it's only just beginning!)

  4. Congrats!!
    And, I personally love the little cartoon of the arm in the pillow...:)

  5. Congrats, girl!
    I think the timing is perfect. You're already going to be a nervous wreck so why not just add to the drama and craziness, yeah?

  6. Congratulations! That's so awesome. What an incredible, exciting year this is for you. A married lady and a home owner!

  7. Congrats on the birthday, meeting your goal, and getting a house! Lots of things to celebrate!!!

  8. congratulations! You have most definitely always been one of my favorites! :)

  9. Congrats on meeting your goal and Happy Blog Birthday. I love reading along and can't wait to see what 2012 brings.

  10. Congrats - you've done some much in so little time - what an amazing life you have in store :)

  11. Congrats girlie!! So awesome to have hit your goal!!
