Quick DIY Engagement Party Decor

We had a little engagement party at fiancĂ©'s house last tonight to celebrate our week old engagement :)  His mom asked me to come up with some decorations, and since I didn't have a ton of time I just whipped some things together quick using my Silhouette! 

I made lots of paper garlands. I cut out a bunch of diamond rings,

Coated them in some Mod Podge,

Added some glitter

Let them dry

And tied them to some ribbon!

Quick and easy!

Also made an X & O one,

And a general proposal/engagement themed one.

I love this shape. So cute!!

His mom also asked if I could made something to put on the cake she made, so I cut out some letters and shapes, hot glued a toothpick in between, and had some cake toppers!

I also adjusted some of my accessories for my outfit. I bought this cute necklace from Forever 21, but didn't have any earrings to go with it. It was pretty long though, so I just took a few beads off from each side and made them into earrings!

I used the pearl and plastic bead on the end of each side

Switched the eye pins on the bottom beads to head pins,

Made a loop, attached it back to the pearls,

And then added some earring hooks too!

Now I have matching earrings!

Like how I coordinated the dress ribbon? Bought it at Walmart for 70 cents. Oh how I love to match....

Hope everyone is having a lovely Easter! It's beautiful out here today!!!

I'll be linking all these ideas up to all the great parties on the party page in my header!



  1. Love love love the jewelry transformation. That was such a cute idea. Super cute outfit, and congrats :D

  2. LOVE the earrings you made. Man- you are so creative. I would have driven all over town looking for cheap coordinating earrings. Great job! Cutie garland, too. ;)

  3. your decorations are beautiful! Congratulations on your engagement. Wedding time is the best crafting time!


  4. This is adorable! I am so jealous that you have a silhouette! Those things are amazing! I'll bet you're going to have all kinds of super cute wedding details. Congratulations on your engagement! I can't wait to hear updates about wedding planning!

    P.S. Check out my first ever giveaway: http://brittandbradeinreallife.blogspot.com/2011/04/and-that-makes-50.html

  5. Love the diamond rings you made with the silhoutte! I want one sooo so bad! Love the earrings you made with the exta length of beads too!

  6. You are so cute and crafty! Love the earrings and the darling decorations. Your guy is one lucky man! Enjoy your engagement!

  7. I don't think I've told you yet- happy engagement! :) It's weird to me to be in still be in school and see friends getting engaged. I first think that I'm growing up too fast, tear tear, and then I get excited because I know I'm next!

    I'm excited to see your wedding related posts in the near future. My wheels will be turning! hmm... Now I need to get engaged so I can make a glittery garland and show my mate that glitter does make everything better! :) :) :)

  8. i guess i shouldn't mention... cough cough, that at least three people believed those engagement ring garlands were handcuffs... cough cough :P

  9. I love your last minute decor--this is why I NEED a Silhouette :) And I LOVE the idea of making matching earrings from your long necklace...I will have to keep this in mind!! :)

  10. Love it! Great idea making earrings out of the necklace. It was still long! Perfect!

  11. congrats on the engagement! love your silhouette decor!! i spot a cute coca cola fridge over there! i'm drooling on your jewellery! you're so creative!

    im blog hopping from homemakeronadime Creative Bloggers' and Hop.

    Susan @ http://tea-diary.blogspot.com

  12. Congratulations Girl!!! There is nothing better than getting married. They say that getting married is the same amount of happiness as if you earned an extra $100,000. Can't beat that. Love the necklace and earrings, brilliant!

  13. Love the cake toppers! (I am visiting from the blog hopper party)

    Keep it up girl!

    You can find my DIY stuff @ http://fisilis.wordpress.com/tag/diy/

  14. I love how simple all the cutouts are, but so cute!

  15. Totally cute! You did a great job! Lovin' the diamond rings.

  16. Congratulations on your engagement! Your decorations are so cute! I really need to invest in a Silhouette!

  17. Congratulations! I love my Silhouette..and this is a great example of how you can whip something up quickly...thanks for sharing!

  18. Hi, Rebecca! Congratulations! Those decors are awesome :) Really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.

  19. Congrats and cute decorations. I love that you made earring from your necklace!

  20. You are so cute. Cute decorations. :) Thank you for linking this up to my Weekend Warrior party. It has taken me awhile to get around to visiting everyone but I am so thrilled to have people join in the fun and I hope to see you again next week! :)


  21. I LOVE your decorations. I'm recently engaged, too, and am hoping to be a very crafty, DIY bride. Your ideas are great- thanks for sharing!

  22. I am a new follower
    Love your blog
    Such cute ideas!!
    Stop by any time

  23. I can't decide which project I love best but I do know that you are very creative! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful projects!

  24. cute! I love the cut out of the guy proposing! Adorable!

  25. Congrats on your engagement! Loved how you made so many cute decorations in such a short time!
    Visiting from Amanda's party!


  26. Hi Rebecca~

    Congrats, you are an adorable couple!! What fun party ideas! Love the necklace too. Thanks for linking to my K.I.S.S. blog bash last week, looking forward to seeing what you share this week.

    Drop By The Tattered Tag

  27. Oh, so cute! Love those sparkly engagement rings! And how you matched your accessories! ;) Thanks for linking up!

  28. what fun! i would love to have a silhouette...and you used yours to make some lovely decorations...thanks for linking up to fridays unfolded!

    stuff and nonsense

  29. Hi Rebecca,

    Do you mind sharing where did you get the outline diamong ring cut out shape from? I would like to print some of it and prepare them as decos too.

    Thanks! :)


  30. Do you mind sharing where did you get the outline diamong ring cut out shape from? love them!!

  31. Dee I got the shape from the silhouette store! http://www.silhouetteonlinestore.com/

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